Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It All Comes to an End


This year has been the best year of my high school career. It's hard to believe that I won't be coming back next year. I will miss coming to the art room every day, it has become my niche, the place in Lakeridge where I am most comfortable and can let my guard down. As an artist, I have grown so much this year and have learned alot about myself and my artistic style. I have grown into my strengths, and discovered my weaknesses. Building my concentration was the biggest test for me, and I had to learn how to discipline myself to get it done. There were a lot of hours spent and a lot of tears shed but I managed to pull through. I've learned that for me to create a piece, I need alot of time to plan it through and make alot of rough drafts. I am not someone who can just sit down with a white canvas and start painting. I've learned that for me, I cannot force ideas or inspiration, whenever I get inspired it is usually at the most inconvenient time where a pencil and paper are nowhere near me, so I started carrying around a little notebook and pen just in case. This year has taught me alot about myself and how I handle stress. My advice for next years AP students is to always keep some paper and a pencil on you, just in case. When it comes to your concentration, find something that you won't get bored of, something that means alot to you, that you enjoy doing, something you can develop, and something that will continuously inspire you. Don't be afraid to do something weird, and don't get intimidated by fellow AP class mates who seem to have the grace of god in a paint brush. There are always those kids who excel and make you doubt yourself, everyone has a different style, and different strengths. Don't let others strengths stop you from taking risks.

Monday, April 20, 2009


todayis a good day. Amanda is as usual not going tobe inclass today. Big surprise. Hipbone this saturday! yayyy

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Crunch time

Its getting down to the wire here and I'm trying to get some stuff done because I'm running out of time FAST. I've been surprisingly productive, contrary to my work ethic in the beginning of the year. I work better on the last minute anyways. But yeah just trying to get stuff done. I can hardly believe this year is almost over.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Inspiring Artists

Sharon Geraci is a local artist who works mainly with collage mixed media type pieces. I took an art class taught by her at Multnomah Arts Center this past summer and learned alot about working with different medias. Her art is very intricate and thought out. She works with color schemes and blends the different materials very well.

Friday, February 27, 2009

February Critique

My concentration is TBA, Mrs. McBride and I have come up with a different way of going about this. These pieces I created at the life drawing with the ballerinas. The one with color is the one I really like, and the one with black and white I was going for movement. It was a little difficult giving the amount of time for each pose but I was going to modify it and change my drawing style later on. I've been struggling with forcing myself to actually work, which I bet is no surprise to any of you guys. I do have a ideas, I just have a hard time executing them. If you are reading this and have any tips on getting your ideas into action I would extremely appreciate that.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


OKkay everyone, so I've been so stressed out, and thats probably why I started happy crying about this. So i got this acrylic art set for christmas and it has the GRACE OF GOD in a little jar thing. Its called Winsor & Newton GALLERIA ACRYLIC MEDIUMS Flow Improver. YOU MUST GO TO ART MEDIA AND BUY THIS. You use the flow improver to water in a ratio of 1:20 so this stuff goes a long way, but basically you use this stuff, and then put a SPOT of paint on a tray and then dip your brush in the flow improver stuff and I seriously covered a canvas of 12X24 with a dot of paint the size of my pinkie nail. This will save you SO much money!!!!!!!! I'd reccomend getting a dropper to measure it out, if you pour it it'll go everywhere. but honestly. it'll save ya big bucks.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Right Now.

Well.... this sucks.